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Detailed Scope:


  • Market analyses

    • Competitor analysis (market share, scope of supply, SWOT, USP’s, …)

    • Supply and demand curves split by industry segment and region (historical and forecast)

    • Current and future requirements in the European automotive, aerospace industry (technology roadmap)

    • Comparative assessment between different processes

    • Product pricing (historical and forecast, pricing waterfalls, …)

    • Elaboration of a marketing and project development strategy

    • Alliances and/or JV’s with established companies


  • Conceptual Engineering

    • Technical and economical solution proposal

    • Qualification of suitable equipment (key equipment specification, block diagram, foot prints, …)

    • Technology description and overview (process flow diagrams, input and output streams, …)

    • Utility, manpower and logistic requirements (gas, power, packaging, consignment store, …)

    • Necessity of OEM certifications, qualifications and approvals

    • Capex/Opex estimation



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